My mission:

I help people understand their emotions so they have better relationships with themselves and the ones around them for a free and driven life.

My story

Who am I? What defines me? What is my identity?

My name is Marton Bene and for most of my life I was identified as a skier. My family all played professional sports. My friends, and my country knew me as a professional skier. I represented Hungary when I qualified for the Olympic games in Vancouver.

After the games, I came home and thought, “ Now what? Who am I? Where do I go from here?” I knew that my relationship with the sport wasn’t what it once was. The love, and drive that I once had was not there. I just felt lost. No one prepared me for that feeling of emptiness. There was no one to help me figure out what to do next.

I had to leave behind an identity that I worked on for 20 years and continue life as a college student. Who was I going to be? What was I going to do with a college degree?

During my college years I met numerous athletes who, like me, were very successful in their sports life but were struggling to find out what to do next. They sacrificed their souls for a cause. some did it because of family pressure. These people, just like me, had impeccable work ethics. You never show weakness or emotion, you just push through.

I realized this isn’t the kind of life that I want to live. I felt that I needed to be able to show my feelings and my weaknesses. We all have emotions. They are there for a reason and I needed to embrace learn from them.

Now, I can say with confidence that I am a man who has learned to not suppress emotions, that there is no weakness in feeling into them. More so I need them to learn how to cope, to grow. No longer do I feel as though I need to be defined by my accomplishments. I can wake up each morning with love and gratitude in my heart. My past has help shaped me into who I am. Yes, not only am I an ex-professional athlete but one that can recognize my faults and acknowledge my need to grow. Skiing and professional sports were the height of what I thought would be my life, but they are not all that I am. Now, I have a new sense of freedom. It flows through me and my everyday life.

My goal is to teach you how to learn from your fears, hurts, anxieties, and shame. I want to help you discover who YOU really are. I want you to be able to embrace those strengths and imperfections and believe in your-Self.


Interests: Coffee, movies, dogs, learning

Applied models:

  • Polyvagal theory

  • Strongfit nervous system and movement model

  • Enneagram

  • Spiral dynamics

  • NLP

  • Integral theory

  • Life Coaching


All of your emotions point to something.

This something is the door to your true potential. There are no unnecessary feelings only misunderstood ones. If you try to suppress one, you are literally saying no to the best version of yourself. My mission is to help you discover and understand the colorful world that lives inside of you, so can live out your best life in freedom and abundance.

Interested? Click this link and apply for a complimentary 1 hour coaching call today!


My life in pictures